Monday, 18 June 2007

New Developments For Whole Hog Brewery
After a brief hiatus from brewing due to the absense of Brewmaster Jeffray, Whole Hog Brewery was back up and running with a new brew: Wave the Wheat, by Assistant Brewmaster VTesteverde. "Waving the Wheat" is a traditional celebratory activity that is done by University of Kansas athletics supporters. As you can imagine, Waving the Wheat is a rare occurrence making this a very special brew. Statistics of the brew will come available very soon.

Also, the acquisition of a refrigerator has come with with mixed results. "Late Service" Holy Brew was the unfortunate victim of a fridge malfunction and has since the been on a life-support system called inability to let go. The brewers have so much pride in the Whole Hog products that a beer with few remaining flavor qualities can, in some cases, live forever. It is unknown when or if "Late Service" Holy Brew will receive its proper burial.

1 comment:

OH said...

I'm going to shove a shuck of wheat up your ass
