Saturday, 7 July 2012

Random Ass Wit

I had some extra DME laying around from batches that might need some gravity adjustments as well as some extra hops and a good half-day back in April to Brew so ... why not.  Extract beer can feel like cheating, well it is cheating, but in the end there is a keg of homebrew so sometimes the ends do justify the means.

Went to the LHBS and found 3 lbs of Briess Wheat DME on sale which steered the remaining style toward a wheat.  A White Labs distriburer happened to be stocking WLP400 Belgian Wit which would work nicely with half wheat/half light DME.  I picked up some flaked wheat as a specialty grain for steeping to attempt to get some of the wit color and haze to the beer:  this failed.  Also used flaked Oats for some mouthfeel (Extract beers sometimes are just thin) and some Belgian Cara Vienna Malt for color/flavor.

Brewday went great.  I left the beer in Secondary longer than needed.  This was partially laziness and partially eexperimental.  I wanted to test having a beer in Secondary for longer periods of time.  The beer tasted well, a bit too hoppy but it mellowed out after a couple months.  I bottled nine 12 oz bottles for fun and the rest went slowly one half pint at a time from a corny keg.  There is probably three pints left in the keg at the time of this writing.


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