Friday, 27 April 2007

A Few from the Latest Brew: "Late Service" Holy Brew

Monday, 23 April 2007

Exclusive Tasting Results
Here at Whole Hog Brewing Co., we pride ourselves on quality control of our home brews. Once our beer has been conditioned in kegs we will provide you with the results of our quality control team's tasting of the product along with a detailed account of the properties of the beer and flavor descriptions. Our first brew, Maiden Brew, is scheduled for tasting on May 5th.

Sunday, 22 April 2007

"Late Service" Holy Brew
Style: English Brown
Brew Date: April 22th, 2007
Drink Date: May 15th, 2007
Malt Extract: 5.0 lbs of Amber Malt
Sugars: 1 cup Brown Sugar
Specialty Grain:
Style: American Pale Ale
Brew Date: April 22nd, 2007
Drink Date: May 17th, 2007
Malt Extract: 6.5 lbs of Unhopped Pale Ale
Specialty Grain: 2 lbs. 40-L Crystal Malt; 155 F (30 min)
Specialty Grain: 2 oz. Black Patent; steeped at 155 F for 30 min.
Bittering Hops: 1 oz. Saaz (45 min.), 0.5 Hallertau (45 min.)
Finishing Hops: 0.5 Hallertau (5 min)
Yeast: Wyeast # 1098 (British Ale)
Primary: 7 days at 63 F
Secondary: 10 days at 63 F
Keg Conditioning: 4 days

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Whole Hog Factoid
Established in 2007
Cornerstone Brew Style: American Pale Ale
First Brew Name: "Maiden Brew"
Brewery Slogan:
"Nothing's Worth Doing Unless You Go Whole Hog"
Brew Master: Jeffray
Brew Master's Assistants: Reverend Chou, V.Testeverde
Foreign Brewing Corespondent: Jimmy
Pub Partner: The Scribewood Arms

Monday, 16 April 2007

Secondary Fermentation
The maiden brew has been transferred to the secondary fermenter and according to Brewmaster Jeffray the flavor and all relevant data is on spec. The product should be ready for kegging in ~10 days. The product is as yet unnamed.

Monday, 9 April 2007

Maiden Brew
Style: American Pale Ale
Brew Date: April 7th, 2007
Drink Date: May 5th, 2007
Malt Extract: 6.5 lbs of Unhopped Pale Ale
Specialty Grain: 2 lbs. 40-L Crystal Malt; 155 F (30 min)
Bittering Hops: 1 oz. N. Brewer (60 min)
Flavoring Hops:1 oz. N. Brewer (30 min) 1 oz. Spalt (15 min)
Finishing Hops: 1 oz. Cascade (5 min)
Yeast: Wyeast # 1056
Primary: 7 days at 70 F
Secondary: 16 days at 70 F
Keg Conditioning: 4 days

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Whole Hog Takes Shape
The critical equipment has begun to arrive at Whole Hog HQ. A stainless steel conical fermenter, 5 gallon soda kegs, CO2 cannister, plate and frame wort chiller, stainless steel brew pot, flow-through thermometer, dual gauge pressure regulator and taps. Hoses and other particulars have been purchased and the first brew is ready for start-up. The style and size of refrigeration equipment is being considered and will be purchased in the near future. Brew Master Jeffray has decided to brew an American Pale Ale to kick off the brewery and you can read all the details about the brew here.
