Sunday, 22 July 2007

Cut-N-Shoot Brew

Style = Pilsner
Brew Date = July 15th, 2007
Drink Date = Aug 18th , 2007
Liquid Malt Extract = 3.75# Coppers Light malt extract
Dru Malt Extract = 3# Briess Light dried malt extract
Specialty Grain = 1.38 lbs German Pilsner Malt (1o L)
Specialty Grain = 0.63 lbs German Light Crystal Malt (2o L)
Bittering Hops = 1.0 oz of Northern Brewer (60 min)
Aroma. Hops = 1.0 oz of Hallertau Hersbrucker (5 min)
Yeast = Wyeast # 2007 Pilsen Lager
Primary = 7 days at 50 F
Secondary = 10 days at 42 F
Tertiary = 12 days at 42F
Keg Conditioning = Lager at 42 F and 15 psig for 5 days

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