Sunday, 18 December 2011

Maiden Brew II

Style = IPA
Method = Extract
Brew Date = November 20, 2011
Drink Date = December 16, 2011

Base Malt = 6.5 lbs Lig
ht Malt Extract
Specialty Grain = 1 lb Britich Light Crystal Malt
Specialty Grain = 1 lb Belgian Aromatic Malt
Bittering Hops = 1 oz Northern Brewer [8.4% AA] hops (boil 60 min)

Flavoring Hops=1 oz Northern Brewer [8.4% AA] hops (boil 30 min)

Flavoring Hops=1 oz Fuggles [4.2 % AA] hops (boil 15 min)
Finnishing Hops=1 oz Cascade [6.4 % AA] hops (boil 5 min)

Yeast = WYeast 1056 American Ale

Primary =8 days at 65 F
Secondary = 14 days at House Temperature (65-72 F)

Keg Conditioning = Store at 38 F for 6 days under 16 psig

OG = 1061 & 68 F (Temperature Corrected)

IG = 1014 & 68 F

FG = 1010 & 68 F
abv % = 6.8
Batch Size: 4 gallons

Maiden Brew II, based on Whole Hog's original batch Maiden Brew, was intended to be an American Ale but after a rigorous boil and high alpha hops, this brew wound up becoming true to the IPA style. For appearance, the beer has an amber/copper with a good inch of white foamy head. It has a strong haze, but this does not detract from the appearance too much. A swirl of the glass shows good alcohol legs and sip lines are present as the glass goes down. The aroma is good a good mix of floral and citrus tones. The taste is a starts with flavorful citrus tones, orange/grapefruit flavor then a strong but not gripping bitter flavor emerges. It is totally drinkable and at 6.8% abv can sneak up on the home-brewer and friend of the home-brewer.

Whole Hog Moves to Sugar Land

Whole Hog Brewery is not Immune to the Forces of Globalization. As JeffRay prepares for an Overseas assignment (2+ years) the brewery has moved to Sugar Land as the OH, Double David, etc. will act as Steward in the interim.

The move went well: plenty of fine memories, not washed away over time and beer suds, were present as boxes were filled, trailer loaded, and truck moved off toward Sugar Land. Thanks are due to Rick P, a regular at Whole Hog, allowed use of his truck and tie bands (some of which were inadvertently on long-term loan).

Additional unpacking and commissioning are needed for the brewery to back to normal production. But, there should be plenty of time for this to naturally occur.

The first batch of beer to be brewed in Sugar Land will be "Maiden Brew 2" based on the first grain bell sum four years ago. It will be a extract beer, brewed to ensure equipment is in good condition. No doubt, a going-way brew will be brewed in JeffRay's honor. An announcement on this event will be forthcoming as his departure date becomes more clear.

Hello, How has the past two years been?

We've been busy at Whole Hog Brewery, Just not busy posting. Hopefully, We'll get a little bit better next year!

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Aussie Beer Tour

The microbrew craze has hit down-under. Microbrews are common and vibrant as those in North America. White Rabbit is a good example of the microbrew whose home is in Western Austrialia but has also expanded to the Mountains north of Melbourne.
It is refreshing smelling the smells, and tasting the tastes that go with custom made, small batch beers. The people are so nice, the countryside is amazing ... words fail the blogger at the moment:

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Hop in the City

Hop in the city was a blast! 40 different beers brewed by the folks at Schlafly. Hope to be there again next year!
