Sunday, 18 December 2011

Maiden Brew II

Style = IPA
Method = Extract
Brew Date = November 20, 2011
Drink Date = December 16, 2011

Base Malt = 6.5 lbs Lig
ht Malt Extract
Specialty Grain = 1 lb Britich Light Crystal Malt
Specialty Grain = 1 lb Belgian Aromatic Malt
Bittering Hops = 1 oz Northern Brewer [8.4% AA] hops (boil 60 min)

Flavoring Hops=1 oz Northern Brewer [8.4% AA] hops (boil 30 min)

Flavoring Hops=1 oz Fuggles [4.2 % AA] hops (boil 15 min)
Finnishing Hops=1 oz Cascade [6.4 % AA] hops (boil 5 min)

Yeast = WYeast 1056 American Ale

Primary =8 days at 65 F
Secondary = 14 days at House Temperature (65-72 F)

Keg Conditioning = Store at 38 F for 6 days under 16 psig

OG = 1061 & 68 F (Temperature Corrected)

IG = 1014 & 68 F

FG = 1010 & 68 F
abv % = 6.8
Batch Size: 4 gallons

Maiden Brew II, based on Whole Hog's original batch Maiden Brew, was intended to be an American Ale but after a rigorous boil and high alpha hops, this brew wound up becoming true to the IPA style. For appearance, the beer has an amber/copper with a good inch of white foamy head. It has a strong haze, but this does not detract from the appearance too much. A swirl of the glass shows good alcohol legs and sip lines are present as the glass goes down. The aroma is good a good mix of floral and citrus tones. The taste is a starts with flavorful citrus tones, orange/grapefruit flavor then a strong but not gripping bitter flavor emerges. It is totally drinkable and at 6.8% abv can sneak up on the home-brewer and friend of the home-brewer.

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