Sunday, 29 March 2009

Whole Hog Thanks Herr Eichler

Von and David at the Dom

Assistant Brew Master David and girlfriend Von traveled to Cologne, Germany to visit his College Roomate, Friend, and Colleague Herr Eichler. Together they enjoyed good food, good beer, and good times. The local beer in Cologne (Koln) is Kolsch which is also the local dialect. A handful of local breweries serve this beer and Herr Eichler was kind enough to be a delightful and warm host as we explored the city. To commemorate this visit, Whole Hog's 23rd beer is named in Herr Eichler's honor and is brewed in the Kolsch style. Hopefully, the people of Cologne will find no offense as Whole Hog emulates this style to warm the hearts of Whole Hogger's State-Side.

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